Cara Menambahan Meta Tags ke dalam Blog
jika kita tidak mengetahui apa itu meta tags dan seberapa pentingkah meta tags tersebut dan apa pengaruhnya bagi web atau blog yang kita miliki.
Do you know adding meta tags is so important if you want to get more traffic from search engines like google,yahoo,msn,etc,especially the meta description is the most important one.
Sebagian orang tidak tahu mengapa harus memasang meta tags, ini sangat penting untuk meningkatkan traffic web atau blog dalam pencarian oleh search engine seperti google,yahoo dll
If you don't know what meta tags are,Meta tags are the tags which describes your site and tells the search engines what your site is all about.Adding meta tags is an important factor in SEO.(Search Engine Optimisation).Meta tags allows search engines to index your web pages more accurately. In other words,Meta tags communicate with the search engines and tells more information about your site and make it index correctly and accurately.
Here is an example.This is what I got when I typed 'Kranthi tips' in the Google Search Engine.
Here is how to add meta tags to your blogger(blogspot) blog:
KIta akan mencoba untuk emasukkan keywords ke dalam blog
1. Sign in to your blogger dashboard and click the 'layout' button
2.Click on the 'Edit html' tab
3. Add the code just after this
and save the changes.
Several people were filling with just the keywords in the description.DON'T DO THAT.Google and other search engines will ban your site from the search engines list if you did so.And also,don't repeat the keyword more than 3 times.
Jangan pernah hanya memasukkan "keywords" di dalam deskripsi akan tetapi masukkan kata yang berhubungan dengan blog Beberapa search engine akan mem ban site anda dan jangan mengulangi keywords sampai 3 x
That's it!You have sucessfully added the metatags to your blogger(blogpsot) blog.If you want to check whether you added the meta tags correctly or not,just type 'meta tags analyzer tool' in the google and you will find so many sites which can check whether you have added the tags correctly or not.
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